J.S. Bach Motets


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Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys
Frederick Teardo, organ3-5, 8-10
Benjamin Sheen, organ11-21, 23
Stephen Buzard, organ1-2, 6-7, 22
Katherine Reitman, cello
Anne Trout, violone

John Scott, conductor


Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys
Frederick Teardo, organ3-5, 8-10
Benjamin Sheen, organ11-21, 23
Stephen Buzard, organ1-2, 6-7, 22
Katherine Reitman, cello
Anne Trout, violone

John Scott, conductor

One of the world’s leading liturgical choirs, the Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys of Fifth Avenue, New York, with their renowned director John Scott, begin a major new collaboration with Resonus Classics with this new and exciting recording of Motets by J.S. Bach.

Representing a vital cornerstone of Baroque choral repertoire these seven Motets are often emotive, joyous, intensely virtuosic, and are some of the most accomplished and sublime of Bach’s many musical achievements.

Further information here.

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