Duruflé Requiem, Howells Requiem, and Valiant-for-Truth


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The Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys
John Scott, conductor
Kirsten Sollek, mezzo-soprano
Richard Lippold, baritone
Frederick Teardo, organ
Myron Lutzke, cello


The Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys
John Scott, conductor
Kirsten Sollek, mezzo-soprano
Richard Lippold, baritone
Frederick Teardo, organ
Myron Lutzke, cello

The mystery of Last Things has given rise to some of the most searching and personal music in the Western canon. On this CD we bring together two remarkably intimate funeral works, the Requiems of Herbert Howells and Maurice Duruflé, both of which experienced a complex genesis. A bridge between them is provided by Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Valiant-for-Truth; Vaughan Williams, though often seen as the quintessence of Englishness, studied in France and his musical language was deeply marked by the experience. Valiant-for-Truth lies halfway between the two Requiems in time, and like these two works it addresses eschatological issues.

Additional details are located in the CD Booklet.

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