A Cappella II


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The Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys
Gerre Hancock, conductor
Judith Hancock, organist


The Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys
Gerre Hancock, conductor
Judith Hancock, organist

David Vernier of ClassicsToday.com writes: “Although I didn’t have the pleasure of hearing A Cappella I, I know this excellent choir first-hand, hearing it live at its home-base, New York’s Saint Thomas Church, and reviewing several of its previous CD releases… The point is, this new disc, featuring a variety of sacred works by 20th-century composers and arrangers, fully measures up to this revered choir’s reputation for first-rate singing and for being what can only be described as America’s finest English cathedral choir. Everything from the bright, prominent treble tone to the enunciation and inflection–even the choir’s vestments–comes from the long-established Anglican tradition, and under the careful tutelage of director Gerre Hancock these choristers have nothing to apologize for, either in technique or in musicianly command of the repertoire.”

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