The Rev. Kate Malin, Rector of Christ Church, Rye

The Rev. Kate Malin, Rector, Christ's Church Rye, NY

The Reverend Kate Malin is the 31st Rector of Christ’s Church in Rye, NY. She began her ministry there in March of 2018 after serving for eight years as the Rector of St. Anne’s in-the-Fields in Lincoln, MA. Prior to that, she was the assisting priest at Christ Church in Bronxville, NY. Kate received her M.Div. from the General Theological Seminary in 2006 and was ordained in the Diocese of New York that same year. Kate is the Dean of the Sound Shore Clericus, has taught preaching at The General Theological Seminary and the Episcopal Preaching Foundation, and is a conference speaker on the topic of Spiritual Care of Transgender Families. Kate is a graduate of Yale University with a B.A. in Theatre Studies and worked as an actress before her call to the priesthood. She is married to Bruce Smith, Chief Advancement Officer at St. Thomas’, and they have three adult children: Murphy, Emerson and Owen.

Categories: Clergy