Theology Class: Bible Study on 2 Corinthians

Sunday, May 25, 2014
The Sixth Sunday Of Easter

The Sixth Sunday Of Easter

O God, who hast prepared for those who love thee such good things as pass man's understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards thee, that we, loving thee in all things and above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
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Beginning Sunday, April 27, Fr Austin leads this Bible study on the Second Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. This epistle seems to be much less studied than I Corinthians, yet it has some of Paul’s most eloquent expressions of the apostolic ministry and its importance to the whole church. The Sunday class is repeated most Thursdays at 12:40pm, beginning on Thursday, May 1.

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