6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
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A systematic treatment of the essentials of the Christian faith, as received through the Catholic heritage of Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church.
The Rector’s Christian Doctrine Class is offered from January to May and will begin anew in January 2017. The class is especially designed for those who want to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. But it is also for anyone who is interested in learning more about Christ and about the doctrine and traditions of the church, as we’ve received them.
This year’s class will reflect our journey as pilgrims on The Way – before the Church was ever called church, before the community of Jesus was ever called Christian, the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible simply identified the movement of those who followed Jesus as The Way. Our Christian faith formation is the ongoing growth of this movement created by Jesus over 2000 years ago – the Jesus Movement!
All are welcome to attend Evensong before the class, and light refreshments will be provided during the class.
The topic for this session is Life after Baptism: Confirmation and the mission of the Church.
Besides this class, there are many other ways to learn about Christ and his Church. We encourage you to worship with us, study and pray with us, and make yourself known to us. Our doors are open 365 days a year (at least one Mass is offered every day) and you can contact us anytime if you are interested in learning more.
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