The Rector's Christian Doctrine Class

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
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The Rector’s Christian Doctrine Class is a 14-session comprehensive overview of Christian teaching about God, sin, salvation, church history, sacraments and more. It is particularly for persons who are new to the church and will give you a good grasp of fundamnetal Christians beliefs and practices such as prayer and the sacraments. The class is also a good opportunity to get to know our Rector, the Reverend Canon Carl F Turner, during his first year at Saint Thomas.

Persons who wish to join Saint Thomas Church and persons who wish to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, are particularly encouraged to attend. We also welcome anyone who happens to be interested in the topic of the day.

March 10 is the eighth session. The topic for this class is:’They recognized him in the breaking of the bread’ : The Eucharist at the heart of our common life.

The class meets on these additional Tuesday evenings: Mar 24, Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28, and May 5. Confirmation and Reception by the bishop will occur on Sunday, May 10.

A companion text for this course is Café Theology by Michael Lloyd.
Also recommended for reading through the course is A Short World History of Christianity by Robert Bruce Mullin. Further recommended: Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer by Rowan Williams.

The these texts are available at the Saint Thomas Bookstore, which is open most Sundays following the 11am and 4pm services, and at midday on most Mondays.

Carl F. Turner is Rector of Saint Thomas Church, having been called here in 2014. A priest of The Church of England for some three decades, Father Turner was most recently Canon Precentor of Exeter Cathedral, where he led the department of liturgy and music and worked with the 850-year-old Cathedral School. He has worked in a major parish in London and been a member of the Church of England’s Liturgical Commission for five years.

Father Turner will be teaching the Rector’s doctrine class, with assistance from Father Austin.

Victor Lee Austin was called to Saint Thomas to be the Parish’s first ‚ÄúTheologian-in-residence.‚Äù He was on the faculty of Mount Aloysius College and has also taught at Marist College, Mount St. Mary College, the General Theological Seminary, and Fordham University.

Father Austin is the author of four books: A Priest’s Journal (Church Publishing, 2001); Up with Authority: Why we Need Authority to Flourish as Human Beings (T & T Clark, 2010); Priest in New York: Church, Street, and Theology (Saint Thomas Church, 2010); and Christian Ethics: A Guide for the Perplexed (Bloomsbury/T & T Clark, 2012).

To receive weekly updates and other news about Theology at Saint Thomas, drop a line to Father Austin.

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