Solemn Evensong and Te Deum

Preacher: the Rev. Canon Paul Wright LVO, Sub-Dean of His Majesty’s Chapel Royal, United Kingdom

Sunday, October 15, 2023
Patronal Feast Day
3:00 p.m. | High Altar

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OfficiantFr. Turner
PreacherThe Rev. Canon Paul Wright LVO, Sub-Dean of His Majesty's Chapel Royal, St James's Palace, London, UK
Sung byThe Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys
IntroitGod is love, by Roger J. Lowman (b. 1940)
Processional Hymn432 – O praise ye the Lord! Praise him in the height – LAUDATE DOMINUM
Versicles and Responsesby Philip Moore (b. 1943)
Psalm27, Dominus Illuminato, Anglican Chant (Nares (1715-1783))
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in Dby Reginald Tustin Baker (1900-1966)
Office Hymn234 – The eternal gifts of Christ the King – GONFALON ROYAL
The First LessonIsaiah 43:8-14
The Second LessonJohn 14:1-7
AnthemAngel voices ever singing, by Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
SermonThe Rev. Canon Paul Wright LVO, Sub-Dean of His Majesty’s Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace, London, UK: Bicentenary Weekend
HymnWhen in our music God is glorified – ENGELBERG
Solemn Te Deum'Coventry', by T. Tertius Noble (1867-1953)
Psalm 150Laudate Dominum, Anglican Chant (Talbot (1875-1918))
PostludeFinal, from ‘Symphonie No. 1’, Op. 14, by Louis Vierne (1870-1937)


Concerts at Saint Thomas 2023-2024 Brochure
Saint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
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