Monday, June 3, 2024
The Martyrs of Uganda
12:00 p.m. | The Chantry Chapel
Saint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
The Martyrs of Uganda
12:00 p.m. | The Chantry Chapel
[sdg-gmp] get_media_player parsed/extracted args:
[sdg-gmp] media_format: Array ( )
[sdg-gmp] Multimedia FALSE
[sdg-gmp] player_position: 'above' / position: 'above'
[sdg-gmp] media_type REVISED: 'video'
[sdg-gmp] video_id: ''; video_file src: ''
[sdg-gmp] media_format REVISED: ''
[sdg-gmp] webcast_status: ''; webcast_url: ''
[sdg-gmp] player_status: unknown
Array ( [post_id] => 329799 [status_only] => [position] => above [media_type] => unknown [url] => [called_by] => [do_ts] => )[sdg-gmp] featured_AV: Array ( [0] => video )
[sdg-gmp] media_format: Array ( )
[sdg-gmp] Multimedia FALSE
[sdg-gmp] player_position: 'above' / position: 'above'
[sdg-gmp] media_type REVISED: 'video'
[sdg-gmp] video_id: ''; video_file src: ''
[sdg-gmp] media_format REVISED: ''
[sdg-gmp] webcast_status: ''; webcast_url: ''
[sdg-gmp] player_status: unknown
This service begins by Our Lady of Fifth Avenue at the back of the church and concludes with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Chantry Chapel. Please note that, due to audio upgrades being done in the church, today’s service will not be livestreamed.
LeafletSaint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
[sdg-gmp] get_media_player parsed/extracted args:
[sdg-gmp] media_format: Array ( )
[sdg-gmp] Multimedia FALSE
[sdg-gmp] player_position: 'above' / position: 'below'
[sdg-gmp] player_status: N/A for this position
Array ( [post_id] => 329799 [status_only] => [position] => below [media_type] => unknown [url] => [called_by] => [do_ts] => )[sdg-gmp] featured_AV: Array ( [0] => video )
[sdg-gmp] media_format: Array ( )
[sdg-gmp] Multimedia FALSE
[sdg-gmp] player_position: 'above' / position: 'below'
[sdg-gmp] player_status: N/A for this position