var the_date is of type: string
[1] the_date contains NO quotation marks
[2] the_date contains NO quotation marks
var_export of revised the_date: 'Sunday, June 11, 2023'
date_bits: Array ( [0] => Sunday [1] => June 11 [2] => 2023 )
the_date: Sunday, June 11, 2023
strtotime(the_date): 1686441600
date_str: 2023-06-11
hide_day_titles is set to true for this post/event
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Our Theologian in Residence, the Rev. Dr. Luigi Gioia, continues a year-long course to dive into all the main areas of theology: Faith, Scripture, Tradition, God, Christ, Salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and the Church – always with an eye to their relevance for spirituality and for everyday life.
When Christians talk about “Creation” they are not trying to explain how everything came into existence, but why. Even if the creation narrative is at the beginning of our bibles (the book of Genesis) it was written much later than most other books of the Old Testament and with the same aim: explaining who God is and who we are – and what kind of relation God wants to have with us. Believing in God as creator is yet another way of proclaiming the extent of his love for humanity.
For more information about our theology program and to receive links for weekly Sunday Theology Talks, please contact Fr. Gioia.
Resgister for Sunday Theology Talks
More “Sharp Faith” Theology Talks
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[sdg-gmp] player_position: 'above' / position: 'below'
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