var the_date is of type: string
[1] the_date contains NO quotation marks
[2] the_date contains NO quotation marks
var_export of revised the_date: 'Sunday, May 7, 2023'
date_bits: Array ( [0] => Sunday [1] => May 7 [2] => 2023 )
the_date: Sunday, May 7, 2023
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date_str: 2023-05-07
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We started our series Sharp Faith by reflecting on “What is Theology?” And “The Role of Faith”. Today we ask the question: “What is the Bible?”. To entice your curiosity, let me quote to you a sentence from one of the best book I have ever read on this topic.
The title of the book is “Inspired”, by Rachel Held Evans, a New York Times bestseller author. I recommend you this book wholeheartedly. Here is the sentence from this book I wanted to quote to you:
“Our Bible was forged from a crisis of faith” (page 7).
What does this mean? And, more importantly, how to reconcile this with the sentence from the Letter to the Romans I quoted above? How can faith come from a book which is the result of a crisis of faith? We will reflect on this next Sunday.
If you are unable to come in person you can watch the livestream.
The Adult Education program at Saint Thomas Church offers sound Christian teaching presented with intellectual vigor, teaching that is grounded in Holy Scripture, mediated by the catholic tradition that is the inheritance of Anglicanism and set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. For more information about our theology program, please contact Fr. Luigi Gioia, Theologian in Residence.
More “Sharp Faith” Theology Talks
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