Sharp Faith (Week 10) - Sunday Theology Talks

Hope for the Messiah

Sunday, July 2, 2023
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[2] the_date contains NO quotation marks
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the_date: Sunday, July 2, 2023
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date_str: 2023-07-02
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10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m. | Parish House, 5th Floor, and via Zoom
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Our Theologian in Residence, the Rev. Dr. Luigi Gioia, continues a year-long course to dive into all the main areas of theology: Faith, Scripture, Tradition, God, Christ, Salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and the Church – always with an eye to their relevance for spirituality and for everyday life.

The Greek term christos is the translation of the Hebrew term māšîaḥ, which means “the anointed one”. This term is the origin of the name “Jesus Christ” and of Christians. Jesus was designated with this name because he fulfilled the expectation which pervades the Old Testament, namely that God would intervene decisively in human history by ‘anointing’ a new king. Understanding the so-called “messianic hope” in the Old Testament is essential to perceive Jesus’ identity and mission. We shall see that the Messiah expected was going to be not only a king, but also prophet and a priest.

For more information about our theology program and to receive links for weekly Sunday Theology Talks, please contact Fr. Gioia.

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