Saint Simon and Saint Jude
Saint Simon and Saint Jude
O God, we thank thee for the glorious company of the apostles, and especially on this day for Simon and Jude; and we pray that, as they were faithful and zealous in their mission, so we may with ardent devotion make known the love and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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The Prayer Shawl Ministry starts its fifth season of knitting and crocheting today. Thank you to the ladies and gentlemen who gather on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month to give their time and talent to this loving and much-needed project.
This year, in addition to our usual actitivies, we will also be making baby blankets, winter caps for children andgrown-ups, and tiny sweaters for the newborns in Uganda called “Fish-and-Chip” babies who, because of the poverty there, are sent home wrapped in newspaper. In addition . . .wait for it . . . the group plans to make penguin pullovers for those poor creatures that have been victims of oil spills. Newcomers are welcome to join this merry band.
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