Florence Li Tim-Oi
The Eve of the Conversion of St. Paul
Florence Li Tim-Oi
Almighty God, who pours out your Spirit upon your sons and daughters: Grant that we, following the example of your servant Florence Li Tim-Oi, chosen priest in your church, may with faithfulness, patience, and tenacity proclaim your holy gospel to all the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
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Ellie Shearing writes: On Tuesday, January 24, we gather for our Prayer Shawl Ministry on the Fifth Floor of the Parish House from 1 to 3 p.m. Having made and distributed 31 shawls, we find that we are in need of yarn. If you have ANY yarn that you‚Äüve been saving and wish to get it out from under a bed or closet or off a shelf where it‚Äüs been languishing, we have just the solution! Just call Linda Morfi at 212.757.7013 ext. 321 and she will be delighted to accept your kind donation and you will become one of our Yarn Angels.
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