Powers, Principalities, and Bodiless Hosts: Morning Stars and Flames of Fire

Sunday, October 23, 2022
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10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m. | Parish House, 5th Floor, and via Zoom
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An on-demand video of this class is available above and on our YouTube channel.

The Rev. Mark Schultz, Associate for Pastoral Care

Father Mark Schultz offered this second of a two-part theology class series.

Coming on the heels of Michaelmas on September 29, celebrating the Archangel Michael and All Angels, October once featured the feasts of the Holy Guardian Angels (October 2) and of Saint Raphael the Archangel (24 October). These days, however, unless we encounter them in visual art, poetry, or particular passages of the Bible, it’s rare that anyone really gives the angels much thought. We don’t tend to talk about devils very much either, which isn’t necessarily such a terrible thing…but so often the collective upshot is that mention of powers and principalities in scripture or tradition might seem inscrutable to us, if not slightly embarrassing.

But what if a more robust understanding of the Bodiless Hosts can actually help us wrestle fruitfully with scripture? And what if that wrestling could lead to a greater apprehension of the beautiful wonders of our faith and the riches of grace God has in store for us?

Contact us to learn more about Theology at Saint Thomas.

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