6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. | Held Via Zoom
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During the five Tuesday evenings from September 29th through October 27th, we are offering our Pilgrims’ Course II, an online course intended for parishioners who were recently confirmed or received. Each class meets on Zoom from 6:30 to 7:30 pm ET.
Tonight’s class is taught by Father Brown, Sister Promise, and Bishop St John and is on Vocation.
This course is intended to help parishioners to strengthen and deepen their relationship with God, the Episcopal Church, and Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue. The course also allows the participants to learn from different members of the parish clergy staff.
You can sign up for the course online.
In general, the course is open to all those who have completed Pilgrims’ Course I or the Rector’s Doctrine Class. We will be using Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe as our text. You can view this book on Amazon and on Forward Movement.
Please contact Fr. Cheng with any questions about this program.
Future Topics and Instructors
October 27th — Church Structure and Governance, Fr. Turner
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