The Sunday Of The Resurrection: Easter Day
The Sunday Of The Resurrection: Easter Day
Almighty God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by thy life-giving Spirit; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the same Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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There are no tickets for Easter Day services. All are welcome.
The Fifth Avenue doors open at 7am for the 8am Eucharist. The 8am Eucharist likely will finish at around 9:30am, perhaps 9:40am. At that point, those who wish to find seats for the 11am Eucharist will be able to do so. Seats are available on a first come basis.
To get seats, we strongly advise arriving early. We cannot gaurantee that there will be enough seats for everyone who wants one. In past years, there have always been enough seats for everyone who has attended the 8am Eucharist. The 11am Eucharist is usually full, so if you arrive late, you might struggle finding a seat.
We encourage those who will be attending the Solemn Evensong at 3pm to arrive early to hear the organ recital at 2:30pm.
Please note that the use of cameras and recording devices are not permitted during worship services and organ recitals. Please silence all electronic devices.
If you visit the church after the 11am Eucharist but before the organ recital at 2pm, you are free to walk around and explore the wonders of the church. Printed self-guided tour pamphlets are available in the narthex, just inside the Fifth Avenue doors. You might notice others quietly praying or meditating, or someone at the rail in the Chantry Chapel venerating the Blessed Sacrament. Still others might be softly speaking with a priest or staff member. So while you may take photos during these times, and roam freely within the nave (the public area of the church), we ask that you take care not to disturb others.
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