Monday, April 21, 2014
Anselm of Canterbury
12:10 p.m.
Anselm of Canterbury
Anselm of Canterbury
Almighty God, whose servant Anselm helped your church to understand its faith in your eternal Being, perfect justice, and saving mercy: Provide your church in all ages with devout and learned scholars and teachers, that we may be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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So that our staff may enjoy the Easter holiday, this is the only Mass of the day. The church doors will close shortly after the end of this service.
0 ticket url rows
0 ticket url rows
===== get_event_program_content =====
post_id: 83042
admin_tags: program-item-placeholders, program-personnel-placeholders, programmatically-updated, slug-updated, t4m-updated, uid-updated
===== get_event_personnel =====
Event Personnel for post_id: 83042
1 personnel row(s)
===== get_event_program_items =====
Event Program Items for post_id: 83042
3 program_items/program_rows
===== // get_event_program_content =====
post_id: 83042
admin_tags: program-item-placeholders, program-personnel-placeholders, programmatically-updated, slug-updated, t4m-updated, uid-updated
===== get_event_personnel =====
Event Personnel for post_id: 83042
1 personnel row(s)
===== get_event_program_items =====
Event Program Items for post_id: 83042
3 program_items/program_rows
===== // get_event_program_content =====
post not webcast eligible (post_is_webcast_eligible for post_id 83042)