Please join us for a parish-wide Bicentennial Closing Celebration on Saturday October 5th! Read More...

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Festal Eucharist

[sdg-pt] post_id: 80264
Sunday, October 7, 2012
The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
11:00 a.m.
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Above: Jacob’s Ladder by William Blake (c. 1800, British Museum, London), which serves as the theme for the 2013 Every Member Canvass. Jacob has been sent on a journey by his father Isaac. Overtaken by night, Jacob lies down to sleep, with stones for his pillow. A dream comes to him of a ladder and ‚Äúangels of God ascending and descending on it.‚Äù The Lord stands above the ladder and speaks to Jacob, promising mighty blessings on him and on his descendants: ‚Äúand in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with thee and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest.‚Äù Awake, and shaken by the power of this vision, Jacob declares, ‚ÄúThis is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven.‚Äù He takes the stones that he had used as a pillow, makes them into a monument, and completes his commemoration by vowing that in thanks for God’s bounty and kindness to him, ‚Äúof all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.‚Äù

Today’s Eucharist is “festal” because of the Feast of Dedication, which serves as the launch for the 2013 Every Member Canvass. You’ll notice the red vestments (they are red for our patron saint) as opposed to the normal green vestments which are used during these Sundays after Pentecost. There is also incense during the Offertory. Included during worship are hymns sung by the congregation and choir, additional music sung exclusively by the choir, lessons, prayers, a sermon, and a Rite I Mass. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Details of the service may be seen in the leaflet, which is posted at the bottom of this page.

‚ñ∫The Rector speaks about the Feast of Dedication, and therefore about Doubting Thomas, in his weekly audio message. Notice that the lessons today are about doubt and faith, for our patron saint.

‚ñ∫Make your 2013 EMC pledge online here.

Music notes: Tom√°s Luis de Victoria was born in Avila, Spain in 1548. He began his musical studies as a chorister at Avila Cathedral and moved to Rome in 1565. After taking Holy Orders in 1575, Victoria continued to work as a musician, composer and priest in Rome until he returned to Spain as Chaplain to the Empress Maria in 1587. His work at the Empress’s Monasterio de las Descalzas de S. Clara in Madrid included the role of Maestro de Capilla, and many of the composer’s later masses were written for the choir of boys and priests that he directed there.

The Missa Simile est regnum caelorum derives its material from a motet of the same title by Victoria’s important Spanish contemporary and personal friend, Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599). Victoria makes compact and effective use of Guerrero’s musical motifs in his Mass setting, particularly at the opening of almost every movement. An especially noteworthy feature, however, is the radiant eight-part Agnus Dei II, in strict quadruple canon.

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