The Seventh Sunday Of Easter
11:00 a.m.
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Above: the “King of Glory” frontal and dossal on the High Altar of Saint Thomas Church.
The Sunday after Ascension Day
Ascension Day was Thursday, June 2, always the 40th Day of Easter. The ten day period that begins with the Ascension is known as Ascensiontide, and so the Seventh Sunday of Easter is also always the The Sunday after Ascension Day.
If you worship with us in person, you’ll notice the blue “King of Glory” frontal and dossal on the altar, and the white and blue King of Glory vestments worn by the sacred ministers.
We’re often asked: why does Saint Thomas use specific vestments at certain times and not others? How do you choose?
The answer is that vestments and altar hangings are chosen to correspond to the liturgical season and liturgical day. You’ll notice at Saint Thomas that we always use the King of Glory set at the ends of the seasons, except the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent (which are fulfilled with Christmas and Easter, both gold), to show the victory of Christ. So, the Epiphany Season ends with Christ’s Transfiguration, the final epiphany that this Jesus is indeed the Christ (King of Glory); the Easter season ends with Christ’s Ascension to the Father (King of Glory); the Pentecost season ends with Christ the King, who reigns and will come again (King of Glory).
In all things Christ is victorious. Pay close attention to the words in the lessons of the day, and in the hymns we sing, and you will see and hear¬†how this victory permeates the entirety of today’s liturgy. This victory is revealed, too, when you lift up your head and see the center of the reredos, where Christ the King is Lord of all. Lift up your heads, and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty…the LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. (Psalm¬† 24)
‚ñ∫If you listen to the webcast, you might hear the Rector (during his Greetings) discuss the installation of an electronic organ this summer while our organ blower is replaced. The Rector informed the congregation of this work to be done in his April 2011 Rector’s Chronicle.
‚ñ∫We welcome The Right Rev’d Stephen Platten, the Bishop of Wakefield, England, who delivers the sermon this morning.
‚ñ∫Holy Communion is distributed today at the High Altar rail and also at the Chantry rail.
‚ñ∫This is the penulitimate service for the Saint Thomas Choir of Men & Boys before they leave for a much deserved summer break. Over the summer we have a host of visiting choirs, and the Gentlemen of the Choir will also return occassionally. We hope you continue to worship with us throughout, whether in person or via the webcasts. The Rector speaks of the upcoming Choir School Commencement Ceremony on June 11, and also Leaving Sunday June 12, in his audio Weekly Message.
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