6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. | Saint Thomas Church
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As part of the celebrations of its Bicentennial, Saint Thomas Church is organizing a symposium to explore the modalities in which communities of faith are called to engage in society. We will have five inspiring speakers and excellent communicators who are deeply involved in Christian social and charitable outreach in the USA and in the UK. The aim of the symposium is reflective and practical. It will help us to reflect on the connection between faith and the vocation to be responsible and passionate actors in society, and to explore practices honed by other organizations and communities of faith. The conclusion of the symposium will be delivered by the Archbishop of York (UK), the Most Rev. Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell.
The Rev. Dr. Luigi Gioia
Theologian In Residence
Register Now
Tonight’s Talks
The Parish Church as Civic Witness to the Common Good
Prof. Luke Bretherton
Robert E. Cushman Distinguished Research Professor of Moral & Political Theology, Duke University
Moral Shocks: Christian Resources for Public Grief and Social Change
Dr. C. Melissa Starr
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair and Associate Professor of Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt University
Read More About our Guest Speakers
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