6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. | Parish House, 5th Floor, and via Zoom
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We are delighted to welcome the Reverend Dr. Kara Slade, Associate Rector of Trinity Church in Princeton and Canon Theologian of the Diocese of New Jersey, to deliver Saint Thomas Church’s 2022 Fall Theology Lecture.
This lecture, entitled “Christ the Center of Time,” is based on Dr. Slade’s recent book The Fullness of Time: Jesus Christ, Science, and Modernity published by Wipf and Stock. To introduce the lecture, Dr. Slade writes: “Human existence in time is determined by the time of Jesus Christ – by the logic of the incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension. However, the predominant accounts of time in the modern West have proceeded from a very different basis. Enmeshed in the ideology of scientific and social progress, these approaches have been marked by a series of moral errors that demonstrate what historian Jenny Reardon calls one of the key features of modernity: ‘the entanglement of rules that govern what can count as knowledge with rules that determine which human lives can be lived.’ In short, the logic of scientific modernity has features that make time a stage for agonism and violence instead of love and redemption. In this lecture, I will present some arguments toward a Christ-centered way of understanding and living in time.”
Contact us to learn more about Theology at Saint Thomas.
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