Choral Evensong

Thursday, May 2, 2024
Athanasius of Alexandria

Athanasius of Alexandria

O Lord, who established your servant Athanasius, through wisdom, in your truth: Grant that we, perceiving the humanity and divinity of your Son Jesus Christ, may follow in his footsteps and ascend the way to eternal life, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

5:30 p.m. | High Altar

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OfficiantFr. Turner
Sung byThe Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys
PreludeIntrada, from ‘Miniature Suite for Organ’, by John Ireland (1879-1962)
IntroitThe Lord is in his holy temple, by Gerre Hancock (1934-2012)
Preces and Responses
(STCS Class of ’25)
by Arthur Li (b. 2011)
Psalm12, 13, 14 -- Anglican Chant (Wilton (1761-1832), How (1931-2022), Stanford (1852-1924))
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F-sharp minorby T. Frederick H. Candlyn (1892-1964)
The First LessonExodus 3:1-15
The Second LessonMark 12:18-27
AnthemExsurge Domine, by Bakore Azubuike Dansoko Camara (b. 2011)
VoluntarySursum Corda, by John Ireland (1879-1962)


Service Card for Choral Evensong
Concerts at Saint Thomas 2023-2024 Brochure
2024 Annual Appeal Brochure
Saint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
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