Choral Evensong

For the Annual Conference for Choirmasters and Organists

Thursday, April 18, 2024
5:30 p.m. | High Altar

Support Saint Thomas Church

Pledge to the 2025 Annual Appeal 

You can also text "give" to (855) 938-2085

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DirectorPhilip Moore
OfficiantFr. Schultz
Sung byThe Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys
PreludeCome Home, by Charles Callahan (b. 1951)
An Organ duet on Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling
IntroitO send out your light, by Charles Callahan
Preces & Responses & Lord's Prayerby Philip Moore (b. 1943)
Psalm93, 94 Anglican Chant (Thalben-Ball (1896-1987), Ley (1887-1962))
Magnificat and Nunc dimittisThe Harvard Service, by Charles Callahan (b. 1951)
The First LessonIsaiah 33:13-22
The Second LessonMark 6:47-56
AnthemCome, dearest Lord, descend and dwell, by Charles Callahan
HymnCome, dearest Lord, descend and dwell


Choral Evensong Service Card
Concerts at Saint Thomas 2023-2024 Brochure
2024 Annual Appeal Brochure
Saint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
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