Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Presentation of the BVM
5:30 p.m. | High Altar
Evensong and Mass Service Card
Concerts at Saint Thomas 2022-2023 Brochure
Saint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
Presentation of the BVM
Presentation of the BVM
As we venerate the glorious memory of the most holy Virgin Mary, grant, we pray, O Lord, through her intercession, that we, too, may merit to receive from the fullness of your grace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
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Pledge to the 2025 Annual AppealYou can also text "give" to (855) 938-2085
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Officiant | Fr. Moretz |
Sung by | The Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys |
Prelude | Salve Regina, Op. 45, no. 1 |
Introit | Praise our God, all you his servants |
Preces and Responses (The Canterbury Responses) | by Martin How (1931-2022) |
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in G | by Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) |
The First Lesson | Habakkuk 3:1-19a |
The Second Lesson | 1 Corinthians 4:9-16 |
Anthem | A Hymn for St. Cecilia |
LeafletEvensong and Mass Service Card
Concerts at Saint Thomas 2022-2023 Brochure
Saint Thomas Church Self Guided Tour
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