[gmp] post_id: '204595'; position: 'banner'; media_type: 'unknown'; status_only: '[]'
Multimedia FALSE
media_format REVISED: 'unknown'


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag found
Shrine Prayers (Intercessions) and Mass
post_id: 208169
ID: 208169; 1 pers.; 3 prog.; [143 words]
12:00 p.m.

Daily Shrine Prayers and Mass will be available online as a live webcast.

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag found
Archival Webcast of Choral Evensong from July 31, 1985
post_id: 209321
ID: 209321; 4 prog.; [25 words]speaker icon
5:30 p.m.

This service of choral evensong was offered on Wednesday 31 July 1985. Gerre Hancock was Organist and Master of the Choristers. Quentin Lane was the Assisting Organist.

post not webcast eligible (post_is_webcast_eligible for post_id 204595)