The Fourth Sunday Of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)
The Fourth Sunday Of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)
O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of thy people; Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calleth us each by name, and follow where he doth lead; who, with thee and the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
8:00 a.m.
This 25-30 minute service in the Chantry Chapel includes lessons, prayers and a Said Mass.
9:00 a.m.
This 45 minute service at the High Altar includes lessons, prayers, hymns, a sermon, and a Sung Eucharist. Music at this service is led by the Junior Choristers. For the 9am service only, worshipers are invited to sit in the choir stalls behind the choir in the chancel, or (as always) in the pews below...
9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Join us for coffee, tea and cookies in the Parish House Living Room and Dining Room following the 9am Eucharist.
10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Join us for classes for all youth and children from 3 years old to high school seniors. Engaging lessons are prepared for the students in keeping with our commitment to the Christian formation of our young members. For more information, or to register, please contact Father Spurlock. Sunday School classes are held on the third...
10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
This class on the biblical view(s) of heaven meets on Sundays at 10am and then is repeated on most Thursdays at 12:40pm. Each class lasts about 40 minutes and welcomes visitors.
11:00 a.m.
Above: From the Gentleness Window of Saint Thomas Church. The Fourth Sunday of Easter is commonly called "Good Shepherd Sunday." Note the words of the psalm, the epistle, the gospel, the hymns, and the offertory anthem. Included in this Festal Eucharist are hymns sung by the congregation and choir, additional music sung exclusively by the...
12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Please join us in the Parish House Living Room and Dining Room for coffee, tea and cookies following the Eucharist. Meet parishioners and, if you are a guest, please sign our guest book or complete a welcome card. Nametags are available.
4:00 p.m.
This evening Fr Daniels preaches the eleventh sermon in the Commandments as Good News series, on "Do Not Covet." About Choral Evensong: Based on the services held daily in the medieval Church, Choral Evensong as arranged in the Book of Common Prayer of the Anglican Church has been sung regularly since the Sixteenth Century. Many...