[gmp] post_id: '204595'; position: 'banner'; media_type: 'unknown'; status_only: '[]'
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag is EMPTY! for img_args: Array ( [post_id] => 79588 [format] => excerpt [img_size] => Array ( [0] => 250 [1] => 250 ) [sources] => all [echo] => )
Morning Prayer & Holy Eucharist
post_id: 79588
ID: 79588; 1 pers.; [31 words]
8:00 a.m.

Morning Prayer Psalm: 145 Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 2:1-11 Holy Eucharist – Rite I Lesson: Ephesians 4:7-8,11-16 Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 For additional details about Saint Mark, click on his name in red letters above.

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag is EMPTY! for img_args: Array ( [post_id] => 79589 [format] => excerpt [img_size] => Array ( [0] => 250 [1] => 250 ) [sources] => all [echo] => )
Holy Eucharist
post_id: 79589
ID: 79589; 1 pers.; [25 words]
12:10 p.m.

Holy Eucharist – Rite II Lesson: Ephesians 4:7-8,11-16 Gospel: Mark 16:15-20 For additional details about Saint Mark, click on his name in red letters above.

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag is EMPTY! for img_args: Array ( [post_id] => 79590 [format] => excerpt [img_size] => Array ( [0] => 250 [1] => 250 ) [sources] => all [echo] => )
Festal Eucharist
post_id: 79590
ID: 79590; 5 pers.; 6 prog.; [150 words]
5:30 p.m.

Above: The reredos of Saint Thomas Church places the four Evangelists to the left and right of the empty cross. Matthew and Mark (pictured above) are to the left of St Peter (who is immediately to the left of the cross), and Luke and John are to the right of St Paul (who is immediately...

post not webcast eligible (post_is_webcast_eligible for post_id 204595)