Ignatius of Antioch
The Eve of Saint Luke
8:00 a.m.
High up in the reredos, early bishops and doctors of the Church surround the sapphire blue windows. The window furthest to the left (pictured above) is flanked by Chrysostom and Athanasius. Centered over the window is Polycarp, who is flanked by two much smaller figures. Igantius of Antioch is to Polycarp's left, and Cyprian is...
12:10 p.m.
High up in the reredos, early bishops and doctors of the Church surround the sapphire blue windows. The window furthest to the left (pictured above) is flanked by Chrysostom and Athanasius. Centered over the window is Polycarp, who is flanked by two much smaller figures. Igantius of Antioch is to Polycarp's left, and Cyprian is...
5:30 p.m.
High up in the reredos, early bishops and doctors of the Church surround the sapphire blue windows. The window furthest to the left (pictured above) is flanked by Chrysostom and Athanasius. Centered over the window is Polycarp, who is flanked by two much smaller figures. Igantius of Antioch is to Polycarp's left, and Cyprian is...
6:15 p.m.-7:45 p.m.
Travel writer spends time with monks in Europe and Turkey. Anyone who has read the book is welcome to the discussion.