
Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Lady of the Rosary

Morning Prayer & Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m.

Morning Prayer Psalms: 35 & 36 Lesson: II Kings 23:36—24:17 Holy Eucharist – Rite I Lesson: Joel 1:13-15; 2:1-2 Gospel: Luke 11:14-26

Holy Eucharist
12:10 p.m.

Holy Eucharist – Rite II Lesson: Joel 1:13-15; 2:1-2 Gospel: Luke 11:14-26

Evening Prayer & Holy Eucharist
5:30 p.m.

Evening Prayer Psalm:  37 Lesson: Micah 3:9‚Äî4:5 Holy Eucharist ‚Äì Rite I Lesson: Joel 1:13-15; 2:1-2 Gospel: Luke 11:14-26