Morning Prayer & Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer Psalms: 75, 76 & 77 Lesson: Deuteronomy 9:4-12 Holy Eucharist – Rite I Lesson: Isaiah 55:6-11 Gospel: Matthew 6:7-15
Holy Eucharist
12:10 p.m.
12:10 p.m.
Holy Eucharist – Rite II Lesson: Isaiah 55:6-11 Gospel: Matthew 6:7-15 The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist includes a healing service.
Choral Evensong
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
There is a low mass at the High Altar immediately following Choral Evensong.
The Rector's Christian Doctrine Class
6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
This evening's topic The Ten CommandmentsThe Rector's Christian Doctrine Class is a 14-session comprehensive overview of Christian teaching about God, sin, salvation, church history, sacraments and more. January 11 is the first session. The class meets on these additional Tuesday evenings: Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 1,...