[gmp] post_id: '204595'; position: 'banner'; media_type: 'unknown'; status_only: '[]'
Multimedia FALSE
media_format REVISED: 'unknown'


Thursday, December 24, 2009

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag is EMPTY! for img_args: Array ( [post_id] => 75684 [format] => excerpt [img_size] => Array ( [0] => 250 [1] => 250 ) [sources] => all [echo] => )
A Service of Lessons & Carols & The Blessing of the Creche
post_id: 75684
ID: 75684; 1 pers.; 2 prog.; [39 words]
4:00 p.m.

SeatingThe 4pm service, while often drawing large numbers, is not full to capacity. No tickets are required. We suggest that you plan to arrive fifteen minutes in advance, and if you want very good seats, perhaps by around 3:30pm.

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag is EMPTY! for img_args: Array ( [post_id] => 75685 [format] => excerpt [img_size] => Array ( [0] => 250 [1] => 250 ) [sources] => all [echo] => )
Festival Music
post_id: 75685
ID: 75685; [11 words]
10:30 p.m.

Christmas EveThe Fifth Avenue doors open to the public at 10pm.

[sdgp] featured_image_display:
[sdgp] show_image is TRUE
[sdgp] get image using sdg_post_thumbnail
[sdgp] img_tag is EMPTY! for img_args: Array ( [post_id] => 75686 [format] => excerpt [img_size] => Array ( [0] => 250 [1] => 250 ) [sources] => all [echo] => )
The Solemn Eucharist of the Nativity
post_id: 75686
ID: 75686; 5 pers.; 5 prog.; [243 words]
11:00 p.m.

SeatingMany people ask about available seating on Christmas Eve. Here is how it works:Our church holds approximately 1,850 people, including the seats in the rear gallery and the south gallery. Many more than 1,850 people would like to worship with us on Christmas Eve, and that warms our hearts. Yet, unfortunately not everyone who wants...

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