“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” – Matthew 19:14
The children and families of Saint Thomas Church and School are valued members of our parish community. Sunday Nursery care, Sunday School, The Noble Singers and other special events take place September – June. Email us if you would like to receive our weekly newsletter or for more information about Children and Family Ministry at Saint Thomas Church. Registration is required and parents are required to remain on site when their children are participating in Nursery or Sunday School programs.
Required for all programs
Required for all programs
Email us to learn more
Email us to learn more
Sunday School
Ages 5-10
Ages 5-10
Ages 2-4
Ages 2-4
Faith Alive
Ages 11+
Ages 11+
9am Sunday Eucharist
Rite II
Rite II
Youth Acolytes and Lectors
Participate in services
Participate in services
Noble Singers Children's Choir
Offered during the academic term
Offered during the academic term