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Rector's Chronicle: September 2009

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In this Chroncile, the Rector writes about the return of the choir in September and of the Hancocks in October, the departure of Fr Stafford in November, the start of the 2010 EMC and the birth of the Hospitality Committee, and the growth of Theology at Saint Thomas. This Chroncile also has several reviews: of the summer mission trip by the youth group and of the summer reading by the Meads.Read more…

Rector's Chronicle: June 2009

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The Rector writes about the summer to come, the Holy Week and Easter gone by, and a good many events from April and May, including the choir trip, Bishop Sisk’s visit for Confirmation and Reception, the Choirmasters Conference, an honor for Wiliam Miller, and the Soup Kitchen Volunteer Supper. The Rector also writes about the Choir School Graduating Class of 2009.Read more…