Sharp Faith (Week 25): Did Jesus die to expiate our sins? — Sunday Theology Talks

Led by the Rev. Dr. Luigi Gioia, Theologian in Residence

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This week, Fr. Gioia continues a year-long course to dive into all the main areas of theology: Faith, Scripture, Tradition, God, Christ, Salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and the Church – always with an eye to their relevance for spirituality and for everyday life.Read more…

MLK Weekend and Black History Month 2024

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Over the following weeks, in preparation for Black History Month, we invite parishioners to reflect on what it means to them to belong to a church that is a beloved community. In the old prayer book, the priest often addressed the congregation as ‘dearly beloved;’ what is our response to that invitation which is so old and part of our Anglican identity?Read more…

The 2024 Bicentennial Historical Lectures (Week 1) — Led by Prof. Jon Butler, Yale University

1905: The Burning of Saint Thomas and the Crisis of Religion in Modern Manhattan

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This talk is part of the 2024 Bicentennial Historical Lectures.

The fire that destroyed Saint Thomas Church in August 1905 (which tragically repeated the 1851 burning of Saint Thomas’s original sanctuary) plunged the congregation into a double crisis.Read more…

Church, Social Justice, and Civil Society (Week 5): The Church and Community Organizing: A History of Mutual Entanglement — Sunday Theology Talks

Led by Dr. Nicholas Hayes-Mota, Assistant Director of Boston College’s Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy

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This talk will explore the historical connection between the Christian church in the U.S. and the Alinsky tradition of community organizing, from which contemporary “faith-based community organizing” derives.Read more…