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Annual Appeal Update for the Week of February 13, 2022

[sdg-pt] post_id: 289582

Candlemas Campaign Update

$1.34 Million Raised to date

$160,000 to go.

Thank you to all those who pledged to the 2022 Annual Appeal Campaign!

It takes gifts of all kinds to support the mission of Saint Thomas Church and Choir School. More than many churches and non-profits, Saint Thomas relies on a broad range of gifts. In last week’s message, we shared that the most typical gift is $1,000, while the average gift is a little less than $3,000.

This chart demonstrates just how broad the support for Saint Thomas is. Did you know that 56% of our gifts are in the $1,000 – $5,000 range? It’s true, every gift matters. Every gift makes a difference.

As we look to raise the final $160,000, to reach our goal of $1.5 million, Saint Thomas will need to receive pledges at every level.

Will you help us reach our goal? If you have not pledged to the 2022 Annual Appeal Campaign, please pledge today!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Bruce Smith or Adam MacDonald.

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