Currently livestreaming: Annual Service of Dedication and Investiture of the Venerable Order of St. John

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Handel's Israel in Egypt

[sdg-pt] post_id: 138342

Please join us for this season’s final concert
WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 at 7:30 PM

John Scott conducts the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys with the period instrument orchestra, Concert Royal, in a concert featuring George Frideric Handel’s rarely performed sacred oratorio, Israel in Egypt .Vocal soloists include sopranos Jolle Greenleaf and Molly Quinn, countertenor Patrick Fennig, tenor Martin Coyle, and basses Kelvin Chan and Daniel Moore.

You can purchase tickets and read more details about the concert on this website. Also, if you have not done so already, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Friends of Music. Friends of Music receive priority seating, complimentary tickets and other benefits. We could not perform these choral masterpieces without the support of our donors, as the cost of hiring the finest soloists and orchestras greatly exceeds our ticket sales revenue.

Our 2015-2016 season calendar may be viewed online. Tickets will be available for purchase in September.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Best regards,

sig Slater
Jacqueline R. Slater

sig Mayer
Claudette Mayer
Concert Series Manager Concert Series Development Officer

Saint Thomas Church
One West 53rd Street
New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212.664.9360
Fax: 212.977.6582

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